Waste not want not

Every night I fill Pooka’s Kong with peanut butter, freeze it overnight and give it to her when I leave the house. When I grab my keys it signals to her to run to the kitchen and stare at the freezer until I give her the kong. This is a creature of habit I’m dealing with. Wonder where she gets it from? Anyway, her favorite day is when I get to the bottom of the peanut butter jar and give it to her to finish cleaning up. Pure joy.

Peanut butter peanut butter butter butter peanut butter!

I never want this to end

I never want this to end

Just. A. Little. More...

Maybe if I squeeze my head into the bottle I can get to the bottom.

No peanut butter went to waste in the making of this blog.

No peanut butter went to waste in the making of this blog.

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